Update - 24 November
Further to a few questions we have received from our community, please see an update below:
Our approach for community proposals aims to be as enabling and supportive as possible. We wish to hear viable proposals from the community without placing a burden on community groups who may not have the resources to pull together detailed and exhaustive written documentation. Thus we have developed a technical panel who can review and evaluate information through discussion and follow up questions and information.
However, we recognise we have been asked for greater detail and clarity about their approach, and the process and timeline, and as such the documents found under the 'Documents' tab on the right hand side of this page should help provide this. This sets out how we will approach proposals, who forms the technical panel and the broad criteria we will consider proposals against. This includes further interactions between community groups and the technical panel where additional information and clarity are required. This flexibility of engagement means timescales remain indicative.
Whilst financial viability and a robust business case are vital some of the other criteria in should be considered as guiding principals. If any group would like to discuss the broader criteria we are happy to do so.
We recognise that in responding to questions and requests from community groups we have introduced further information and are happy to consider any reasonable additional time any group needs to respond to this.
We would therefore ask that anyone interested in submitting a proposal indicates an intention to do so by midnight on Monday 27th November (the current deadline) and at the same time sets out any additional time they require. This information should be sent to Louise.Duffield@midsussex.gov.uk